Interviews News

Exclusive Interview with Edge of Space Lead Developer Jacob Crane

Written by James Pope

LaserSharkI sat down recently with one of the Lead Developers on Edge of Space, Jacob Crane. I had a chance to ask some of the more important questions that I had and also got some in-depth exposure to the game itself. A full preview will be coming soon. Edge of Space in a sandbox title similar to Terraria and Minecraft. Jacob was nice enough to show me a lot of what the beta had to offer and really explain their in-depth and interesting multi-tiered crafting system. All of this and more will be available when we complete our comprehensive preview. For now, here is the interview in its entirety.

***Listen to the Edge of Space interview with Lead Developer Jacob Crane***

Check out some of the current trailers for Edge of Space below.



About the author

James Pope

Twitter: @Jamespope2 Lead News Editor- Video games aren't just a hobby, they're a way of life!

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