Who would have thought that a New Years Resolution should include more time with the gaming...
Tis the Season to Trash the ‘Trash Talkers’
Humanity can stretch even to the boundless arena that is online game play through your favorite...
The Sims 4 in 2014
“[Single-player games] Is going to be a major part of the market,” said Will Wright, creator...
Not All DLC is Created Equal
It seems like it has become more expensive to get all the perks for your favorite video game. Once...
Review: Call of Duty: Ghosts – Not That Spooky
No need for paranormal investigators, the new Call of Duty: Ghosts has been released. From the...
Brains? More like Awesome Games
Zombies? Why, don’t mind if I do. Gamers have evolved with the growing pop culture phenomenon...