
Leggo my Lego – Lego Universe Shutdown in 2012

Written by Quaisha T

Sad news today in the world of Lego. The free-to-play MMO that originally started as a pay-to-play will be closed down in January 2012. Since August of this year, Lego Universe declined in paid memberships when adapting the free-to-play business model. Not every MMO can pull it off but these sure did:

Dungeons and Dragons online

RF Online


Lord of the Rings Online

DC Universe Online

…just to name a few.

The closing and farewell to employees at developer Play Well Studios located in Louisville, Colorado and marketing division in Bullund, Denmark deadline is Jan 31, 2012. About 115 people will move on to bigger and better things, hopefully. And the remaining player base of 2 million currently enjoying their final days can go to recently converted DC Universe Online just like I am.

About the author

Quaisha T

I'm a freelance writer and a Gaming Goddess. I also moonlight as a Social Media Marketing Consultant and the Founder/CEO of GameYourTherapy.com. My current activities involves blogging, participating in a mentoring program and starting up my own business.


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