
One Piece: Pirate Warriors Announced

Written by James Pope

One Piece: Pirate Warriors is an action adventure game based on the popular Magna series of the same name that is being developed by Omega Force / Tecmo Koei Games Co. and features beautiful CG cut-scenes and fast paced intense action.

One piece will make use of the very familiar and popular control system previously used in the Dynasty Warriors series. Players will be tasked with taking out a massive amount of enemies including the pirates and navies who are encompassing the surrounding area, and also creating enough turmoil to send the region into an all out riot.

The first nautical outing for the ONE PIECE series on PS3 TM, ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS will immerse players in the Straw Hat Pirates’ grand voyage, letting them face up to hordes of pirate and Marine enemies and experience all the great moments from the anime right up to Marineford. Faithful to the original ONE PIECE manga by Eiichiro Oda, players will relive their favourite scenes controlling pirates including Luffy, Zorro, Nami, and others, each with their signature, including Gomu-Gomu, attacks.

One piece will also include online/offline co-op as well as the ability to run the game solo, in the true spirit of the original series character coins will be in abundance for players to pick up and assemble in order to unlock the most powerful abilities possessed by the Straw Hat Pirates.

Look for all the intense action, lovable characters, powerful enemies and touching moments fans have come to expect from the One Piece series in 2012 on the Playstation 3.

About the author

James Pope

Twitter: @Jamespope2 Lead News Editor- Video games aren't just a hobby, they're a way of life!

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