Well, well, well, it’s been a long time since we’ve had our last gamernight hasn’t it? With the highly anticipated Gears of War Judgment coming out soon, I figured we would brew some more hype with a very fun gamernight together! We’ll also be doing some gaming on Grand Theft Auto IV later in the night, just to mix things up. All the details are listed below… and did I mention there will be prizes?
Community Gamernight #3 – Gears of War ft. Grand Theft Auto IV
- What: Gamernight
- Where: Gears of War 2 and/or Gears of War 3 (Depending on demand)
- When: Saturday, March 9th at 8PM to 10PM for Gears of War and 10PM to 12PM for Grand Theft Auto IV. – the times are subject to change based on demand.
If you’d like to participate in the gamernight, leave a comment below with your Xbox Live Gamertag and what game you’ll be joining us for. Be sure to add me on Xbox Live, my gamertag is iKarmakazi. We’ll have codes to give out to everyone that attends, so tell your friends! It’s sure to be a hell of a time.
If you don’t own any of these games, you can buy them from our Amazon Store below…
Please sign me up for the gamernight my GT is PurchasedTexas4 I hope I can join not sure if I work but never played Gears with the staff sounds like fun
I am back to playing Gears of War 3 and would love to participate!
GT: liljrSanchez
I look forward to seeing you there! Tell your friends!