
Star Trek: Co-op Space Raptors

Written by Chris Lock

I did not write the title for the video, because if I did it would not say “Making the Ultimate Co-op Experience.” It would say Star Trek: Space Raptors. In fact, every video would say something about Space Raptors because dear Zeus, Space Raptors. Maybe my knowledge concerning Star Trek’s fanciful species is a bit rusty, but I really do not remember Space Raptors being a part of it. But I digress.


In Star Trek you play as either Spock or Kirk in, a hopefully, co-op game with a friend of yours. You jump off some cliffs and shoot Space Raptors. So why should you care, just looks like another dumb movie tie in right? Get ready to be shocked; “maybe not!” From every bit of information I have seen concerning this quasi-movie-tie-in-game, it actually has the potential to be good. And not “good” in the sense that the Wall-E game was “good.” Good in the sense that it could easily be a game you do not hate yourself for playing.

I should warn you to take my word with a grain of salt though. I am quite possibly the only person who legitimately enjoyed King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie. So maybe I as just being blinded by my love of Star Trek. But it could also be that, while not groundbreaking, Star Trek appears to be solid. On April 23rd we will all know whether Star Trek can live up to the explosions or just fizzle like some fan dance.

I also wanted to talk about how much I loved Star Trek: Elite Force but I am not sure Species 8472 can compare to species Space Raptor.

About the author

Chris Lock

Just a guy that loves games and wants so badly to tell you about them. I have a habit of being a terrible person. Prone to talk about the worst games imaginable. Poke-fan. LBP admirer. RPG lover. Writer. Podcaster. Father. Husband. Student. Tired. @Snickelsox on twitter.

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