Well how are you? We are fine, yeah… just fine. You like games right? Well we talk about them a whole bunchie! This includes but is not limited to Assassins Creed 3, Pokemon, Magrunner, Adventures of Shuggy, and The Walking Dead Episode 2. WARNING: We spoil the crap out of The Walking Dead. Chris tried his hardest to keep the spoilers down but Austin just wanted to give you all Names, Dates, Relations, and Social Security Numbers of characters. So if you don’t want it spoiled just skip to the music after you hear the warning.
The Reflection this episode was short and sweet. Raven Still complained about its length though.
Difficulty in games. Do we need a hard mode, an easy mode? Has gaming moved beyond the point for separate modes?
If you want to be part of the show then send an email to RoSC@LevelSave.com
First Song was Geno’s Maze (Frost Version) by DLXRevolution
Second Song was (Ch)ill{durn} by Durn
Final Song was Spectrum (Bias Galtar DnB Remix)
I couldn’t actually listen to the whole thing this week. Austin talking about game difficulties using only Paper Mario as an example was PAINFUL. He needs to learn what logical fallacies are and why he shouldn’t use them.
Sorry to hear that. I’ll tell him to be less stupid from now on.
Tell your guests not to spike the mic either.
Hey! I was tired this episode!
RoSC is quickly becoming the thing I anticipate most bi-weekly. The only way to make it better is to start recording weekly! :D
Sorry man, that is not happening. Besides, if we did one every week it would not be a special!
I know, it is fun to hope though.
Not long enough IMO.
(That’s what she said)