F’in Saved

F’in Saved 7: Safety First

Written by Chris Lock

But really, where are those damn rails? I got to thinking about this a while ago while playing through Pokemon Black 2. One of the additions the developers have strived to achieve is a sense of place. Meaning that objects are not just obstacles but actually make sense. The walls are covered in posters, decapitation looks believable, and there are damn rails where there should be.

About the author

Chris Lock

Just a guy that loves games and wants so badly to tell you about them. I have a habit of being a terrible person. Prone to talk about the worst games imaginable. Poke-fan. LBP admirer. RPG lover. Writer. Podcaster. Father. Husband. Student. Tired. @Snickelsox on twitter.

1 Comment

  • It’s a volcano, not a place for tourists. Also, it’s not like you can even walk into the lava. If you want realism ask about the little cliffs you can only go down. I think I can climb up a 4 foot ledge.

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