
Crusader Kings II – Piracy Trailer

Written by Raven Poplar

The latest, and last, in the series of the “Seven Deadly Sins” Crusader Kings II trailers tackles the problem of piracy in medieval Europe.. Or something like that. Actually, it’s more like a plea not to download the game. I’m having trouble deciding whether or not the hamfisted moral here is intended to be serious. Not only that, the trailer isn’t as funny as the rest of them. Not the finale I was hoping for, Paradox! Take a look..

To compare, here is Weird Al’s take on the subject:

Can you see where I might draw parallels, here? Also, Weird Al rocks.

Crusader Kings II on the web

Crusader Kings II is available now on PC for $39.99 DON’T PIRATE IT

About the author

Raven Poplar

Early Childhood Educator and video game journalist. First console game: California Games for Atari 2600. First PC game: Commander Keen on my IBM 286. I suppose I'm old!

1 Comment

  • Really? I thought that was pretty funny… And personally, I like that take on anti-piracy better than the one taken by most of the industry!

    “Hey, look at the benefits of not pirating! It’s actually better this way.” (As opposed to the lawsuit ragestorm you see in other cases…)

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