The next installment in Naughty Dog’s Uncharted series is Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End...
LittleBigPlanet 3 Announced for PS4
In what may be the biggest surprise of the night, Sony has announced LittleBigPlanet 3 for...
Play as Fetch in Infamous: Second Son DLC
Infamous: Second Son is getting some new DLC that will be available this August, Sony announced at...
Ubisoft Impresses with Cinematic Trailers
Sometimes game trailers are so great that the games they’re promoting really don’t...
Battlefield Hardline Beta Available Now
At their E3 conference this afternoon, Electronic Arts announced that Battlefield Hardline beta is...
The Sims 4 Release Date and Details Announced
Sims fans rejoice! The Sims 4 will be released on September 2nd of this year. Promising...
Ubisoft Shows Off New Tom Clancy’s The Division Demo
Ubisoft showed off a new demo of the highly anticipated, and recently delayed, Tom Clancy’s...
Limbo Developer Reveals New Game – Inside
Sporting a Limbo t-shirt, head of Xbox Phil Spencer introduced a sneak peak of Inside – a new...
Dance Central Spotlight Announced
According to Harmonix, a new, digital-only Dance Central game is set to be released this September...
Forza Horizon 2 Release Date Revealed
Forza Horizon 2 will launch on September 30th for Xbox One and Xbox 360, Microsoft announced...