Microsoft has just announced that anyone who plays the upcoming Gears of War Ultimate Edition for Xbox One prior to December 31, 2015 will receive digital copies of the original four games for the Xbox 360 free of charge. On top of that, all four 360 games will also be on the initial public rollout of backwards compatible games this fall, so they will all be playable on Xbox One.
Additionally, it has also been announced that the original Gears of War has been added to the backwards compatibility list for preview program members starting today.
This is a pretty great deal, all things considered, and something we are slowly seeing a lot of now that backwards compatibility is a thing. In a similar fashion, we’ve seen backwards compatible freebies being given out by other game studios for upcoming titles. Those who pre-order Fallout 4 are going to receive Fallout 3 on the 360 as a bonus, which has also been confirmed as an upcoming backward compatibility title. Rainbow Six Siege players also get this bonus, getting Rainbow Six Vegas 1 & 2 free for pre-ordering.
When Microsoft announced backwards compatibility, there was some well deserved excitement about the massive 360 library becoming available to players, but I don’t think many thought about the use of it as a bonus for pre-ordering games. It is an encouraging trend for those dedicated to the Xbox ecosystem, and I’m excited to see who else jumps on board with free games a pre-order bonuses. So far, the perks have been pretty stellar.
The Gears of War Ultimate Edition will be available on August 25, 2015 and runs a cool $40 USD.