Welcome to Checkpoint, a new regular segment from the authors here at LevelSave designed to quickly...
[Opinion] Nintendo’s Switch plans are disrespectful to...
Earlier this week, Nintendo unveiled the Nintendo Switch in all its hopeful glory to the general...
MINI-REVIEW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has bundles of the game for sale that include a remastered version...
REVIEW: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Call of Duty is a series that seems to get less interesting every year in some way or another. When...
REVIEW: Battlefield 1 – The War To Start More Wars
When EA and DICE revealed that their next entry in the Battlefield franchise would be set during...
Dragon Quest Builders Demo Quick Impressions
Rejoice, fellow Dragon Quest fans! A demo for Builders has dropped and is available for both PS4...
SaveState – Episode 1 – NintenDO, NintenDON’T
Buckle Up, here we go. On Episode 1 of SaveState, join Austin, Jim and guest Christian Appenzeller...
SaveState – The LevelSave Podcast – Episode 0
Welcome to SaveState, the official podcast of LevelSave.com! Join Austin and Jim for...
Pokemon Go for Apple Watch
We were treated to a variety of gaming updates at the Apple iPhone reveal event. It was a...
Super Mario Run – Nintendo at Apple Event
In a surprise turn of events, Nintendo made an appearance at the Apple iPhone reveal...