Watch This Wednesday

Watch This Wednesday: Unintentionally Hilarious DBZ trtailer

Written by Chris Lock

Dragonball has always been full of stupidity. Whether it’s characters yelling for a solid half hour or a 10 minute story taking 6 weeks to finish. So it should come at no surprise that this trailer for Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z is crazy and stupid. The announcer is what makes this trailer though, he is so excited about the potential for online co-op, and he nearly messes his pants over menus. It’s had not to be infected by his extreme excitement though.

About the author

Chris Lock

Just a guy that loves games and wants so badly to tell you about them. I have a habit of being a terrible person. Prone to talk about the worst games imaginable. Poke-fan. LBP admirer. RPG lover. Writer. Podcaster. Father. Husband. Student. Tired. @Snickelsox on twitter.

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