Three years ago, I found out about an idea. A genius idea that I was surprised no one had thought of yet: a website that allows you to view and help people with Halo: Reach’s in game challenges. Designed, coded, and made completely from the ground up the Halo: Reach Challenge Initiative, or HRCI for short, is just that. A service that allows you to comment on different strategies for honing in on each days daily challenges.
Two years ago, HRCI opened up from its public beta and launched, bringing with it an unprecedented new way to beat challenges; but it’s days were numbered. With the release of Halo 4 last year, HRCI has seen the dust settle more then any of us would like to admit, and with its owner, Halo2Freeek, going through some challenging personal issues of his own, it will unfortunately be closing its doors on June 23rd, two years after its public launch.
I remember being on Skype with him and some friends the minute it launched. A friend and I rushed to try and be the first comment on any challenge, we corralled everyone we could to go in a join, and we all congratulated Halo2Freeek on what was one of the cleanest and most functional sites we’d seen.
We barely got to know the Halo: Reach Challenge Initiative, and it’s sad to see it go. If you’d like to try and convince Halo2Freeek to keep it open a little longer; shoot him a tweet, check out HRCI, and maybe even throw a donation his way. A little love goes a long way.
Goodnight, friend; we barely knew the.