Planning on getting the follow up game to the highest rated RTS game of all time? First, check out my preview, well once it’s up and then check out the pre-order bonuses below.
Global pre-order: No matter where you pre-order you’ll be guaranteed vehicle skins for the German Rotbraun and Soviet Leningrad. Some retailers are also offering enrollment into the closed beta, but which ones, we’re not sure.
Steam: Players will be rolled into Steam’s reward program and will receive multiple rewards, including unlocks for Team Fortress 2 and Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Retribution.
Origin: Players will receive the global pre-order skins as well as the Soviet Bryansk Front vehicle skin for their heavy vehicles.
ShopTHQ: Players will receive the Command Pass, which acts like a season pass, allowing players to download new maps as they become available, while also granting them access to “Member’s Only Jackets ” events. The Command Pass will be sold separately as well.
There will also be a $99 Digital Collector’s Edition available for purchase. This will include, the global pre-order bonus, the Command Pass, German Whitewash and Soviet Winter Cobblestone tank skins, the first three single player content packs, a Veteran badge for their profile, and the original Company of Heroes with both expansions.
Company of Heroes 2 will be available on PC early 2013.
Ron Moravek, Executive Vice President of Production commented, “We are dedicated to delivering a worthy sequel that improves on the experience delivered by Company of Heroes. We are delighted to be able to reward our most dedicated fans with these unique pre-order incentives to help them stand out from the crowd.”