Tripwire Interactive has showed the first of its upcoming sequel, Killing Floor 2, at New York Comic Con this weekend. The game features a slew of new improvements over the original, including some impressive new features. A member of the team from Tripwire Interactive demoed an alpha version of the game on the floor at NYCC.
Throughout the gameplay presentation we saw four of the new perk trees that will be coming to the game, with gameplay from the Commando and Support classes. The alpha opened with our player in the burning paris map, an area set to the backdrop of an inflamed and crumbling Eiffel Tower. Our demo showed off the games new gore system, which includes an amazing new gore system. Each zed has approximately 23 points of dismemberment, so shooting anywhere in the on your attacking zed leads to an explosive catastrophe of blood and guts.
What I thought was the most impressive feature of the game was the consistent blood and gore throughout the world, so as you shoot and destroy zeds, you’ll be constantly painting the world with blood that will be there for as long as you are – which won’t be long considering the games Hell on Earth mode. Our demo ramped it up to Hell on Earth difficulty during a set of rounds on the other new map we saw, Biotics Lab. The biotics lab was a series of long corridors and open rooms where, in between rounds, you can explore around and see just how the zeds are being created. These maps are apparently filled with story just waiting to be discovered – that is if you’re not too busy killing things to do so.
Demo attendees were also given a sneak peak of a live-action short based on the game that we’ll be seeing more about in the coming weeks. The small snippet we saw showed doctors searching a deserted hospital only to be mauled to death by the undead.
Killing Floor 2 will be releasing on Steam Early Access in 2015. The representative from Tripwire Interactive stressed to us that what they call early access isn’t what it seems – to them, Early Access is a complete, finished, product that just needs a bit more fine tuning and player feedback to be complete.
(Full disclosure: this was my first and only time ever hearing, seeing, or thinking about anything Killing Floor related, so my details may be a bit fuzzy.)