With 6 days and 22 hours remaining, the Humble Bundle team added a new game to the mix: Dungeons of Dreadmor. To get it, pay more than the average price. This totals to 3 more games you can get if you pay more than the average. And guess what? The average price is currently less than $4.00 USD at the time of this article.
Here are some current stats for Introversion Bundle:
- sold more than 145, 260 bundles
- Average price is around $3.88
- Average windows: $3.27 (cheap aren’t we?)
- Average Mac: $5.48
- Average Linux: $8.18
What I notice is that all bundles I have been watching since I first learned of Humble Bundle has an average Linux purchase that’s more than Windows and Mac. Maybe it’s because they spend less money on buying apps, software and operating systems. As a Linux user, I completely understand.
Buy the bundle now!