
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission Making Its Way to the US

Written by James Pope

25 years ago  Carrier Command was enthralling gamers with its intense strategy gameplay, and now its back and better than ever. This re-imagination of the original takes this game to heights players of the original probably never dreamed possible when they played it in the 80s. Players will use the traditional strategy interface to create, ship and deploy multiple types of fleets to over 30 different islands who host 6 different climates. Island positioning is one of the key strategic forces behind both victory and defeat as players will need to be able to get fleets and troops to their islands in a timely fashion.

Taking players right into the action the game will also boast solid 1st and 3rd person gameplay putting players into the driver’s seat of aerial, ground and water vehicles as well as put them on foot to complete more intricate tasks. All actions within the game take place in real-time making this a title that could keep players locked in for a quite a while.Players are given the opportunity to take control of their carrier craft to expedite the delivery process of all created items, even taking advantage of a time warp option on this ship which allows time to be slowed so actions can be completed without as much delay.

Below is the 11 minute E3 presentation for the game, the video has an impressive display of the games functions, combat and interface. Anyone questioning whether this game is worth a 2nd look need not look any further.

About the author

James Pope

Twitter: @Jamespope2 Lead News Editor- Video games aren't just a hobby, they're a way of life!

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