It turns out that demand for Nintendo’s new console is beating expectations. Even though the Wii U Deluxe Set is priced at an expensive $349, GameStop seems to be getting a lot of customers pre ordering it. I personally went to GameStop to pre order one and found out that I came right on time. GameStop has set aside a specific number of Wii U Deluxe Sets for all stores in the US. Once that number fills up, GameStop will stop taking reserves. Apparently, I got one of the last ones available in the country. At first, I thought that it might be due to a low supply of consoles, but I was disproved. According to the cashier at my local GameStop, customers should have no problem walking into a store on launch day to pick up the Wii U Basic Set without a pre order, which comes with just the basics for $50 cheaper.
So it seems that rather than being low supply, there’s a pretty strong demand, at least for the Deluxe Set. There could still be a small supply though because they are selling out pretty fast. If you are planning on pre ordering a Wii U at GameStop, be sure to do so immediately. Otherwise, try other retailers or betting your luck on November 18.
If they sell out of the deluxe model, do you not think that customers will get desperate and start buying up the regular version?
A few, but not all.