The team at I-Friqiya is bringing a fresh new look to the retro racing genre by adding some pretty awesome looking tactical and combat elements to the table. Built much in the style of the old Off Road racing arcade game this title puts extreme weapons in the hands of drivers and sets them loose to cause chaos and destruction on their way to the finish line. Players will be outfitted with an array of weapons including machine guns, rocket launchers, bombs, mines and even a grappling hook that can be used to shock, increase accuracy or even counter attack. On top of the weapons given to these vehicles the drivers themselves will have special abilities and powers that allows them to unleash hell upon rival drivers. Each character will have 3 unique special attacks meaning that there will be 24 in all, and players will be able to utilize these powers after they have built up their berserk meter. Combo systems, in-track dangers and more will await those brave enough to take on these maniacal tracks and racers as they fight to prove that they alone deserve the checkered flag.
I-Friqiya is currently shooting for a January 2013 release.
With all of these elements packed into this small downloadable package I for one am excited to see how the team has meshed the combat with the racing side of this title. Keep your eyes peeled for more information as it becomes available. For now take a look at the all-new trailer the team has released featuring the action portions of the game.