Editorials Features

Some of the Greatest Metal Remixes of Video Game Music

Written by Barry Villatoro

Well there are some certainly great remixes of some of our favorite gaming music out there, but nothing is as great as a good ol’ metal remix. While Chris, here at LevelSave, likes to find himself some techno/trance/dubstep remixes, I go for the metal \m/. Below are some of my favorite metal remixes of gaming music from NES to the latest gen. Go break something and enjoy yourself.

Super Punch Out – Minor Circuit (SNES) by MattMagic

I played the hell out of this game when I was younger. I made it a point to be able to blaze through that game in less then an hour. My brother-in-law and sister were amazed by my skills in that game, especially during the final circuit. You will definitely see MattMagic on this list numerous times. I discovered him almost 3 years ago and actually interviewed him for LevelSave. That interview was lost when we changed databases, but alas, I have not forgot about him. His work is just so dope.


Super Mario Bros Castle Theme Metal Remix by Nylithia

With this next one not only do you realize how bad ass, Mario can be, you also get to see him head banging for just a moment. This is Nylithia covering the castle theme music from the original Super Mario Bros.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Sons of Skyrim Metal Remix by Sbeast

Well this just seemed to fit perfectly, not only because so may of us already know this song an love the remixes, but since I played a ton of Elder Scrolls Online before starting to write this article. No big deal.


Wizards & Warriors Chapter X: The Fortress of Fear by MattMagic

Now truth be told I never played this game before, but holy cow is this remix sick. Unfortunately the audio is a little quite, but just crank it up and rock out. Seriously, this is one sick piece.


Brinstar by Metroid Metal

C’mon, obviously if I’m making a list of metal remixes of gaming music Metroid Metal would be here. Here’s my favorite theme from Super Metroid, Brinstar  by Metroid MetalI used to to spend as much time as I could in Brinstar because I loved the theme so much.


Terra’s Theme from Final Fantasy VI by MattMagic

Final Fantasy rests easily in my top 3 favorite games of all time. Terra is even one of my favorite characters. The music in Final Fantasy VI had a little bit of everything. Suspenseful, quirky, menacing and sometimes whimsical. Terra’s theme may fall under the last of those.


How awesome were those? If I missed some or you have some of your favorites post them in the comments below. I would love to check them out!

About the author

Barry Villatoro

Twitter : @IamWeapon | Former citizen of Azeroth and Atreia | Favorite fighting game - DefJam: Fight for New York | Favorite RPG - FF6 | MMA | Sushi | ATV's |


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