Telltale games, recently posted the above image of on their Facebook page. The picture reveals that Omid, a character from season one of The Walking Dead will be coming back this season, as well as Clementine. The first episode of season 2, All That Remains will be coming to Xbox 360, Playstation 3 ,PC and Mac this month. It looks as though a next gen release of The Walking Dead season 2 will not be coming this month. No information on when it will be coming to Xbox One or Playstation 4, yet.
Not sure if I will jump into it as soon as it’s released this month. During the last season I waited till it was over and played it straight through. That seems what I’m most likely to do, only if I’m brave enough to fight to stay spoiler free. We’ll see…
Source: Telltale Games Facebook Page via OXMOnline