Brain Candy has released a trailer for Fray a turn based stategy game taking place in a dystopian future version of Earth in 2098. All of the planets remaining resources are being hoarded by huge mega-corporations. Desperate for refuge humanity is taking virtual realms only to find the combat that ensues.
The game is being called a simultaneous turn based strategy game. Players will control teams of 4 as they move, attack and even deploy weapons with their best strategy to try and take out the opposing team. There are 2 phases to the process in which the game plays out, the definition phase where movement, attacks and deployments are chosen precedes the resolution phase where players will get a chance to see how their choices stack up against those of their opponents.
Fray is set for release on 6/19/12 and will be available for download on the PC via Steam. Players interested in getting their hands on the game early can join in on the Beta on the Fray website