I matter, you matter, we matter, we’re all matter! Matter takes up space, but ya know what’d be cool? If only Space could be Endless! Like an Endless Space! So, stupid intro aside, we’re giving away a copy of the brilliant Endless Space, which was reviewed by our very own Edward Torbicki.
Thank you very much Austin & LS for the giveaway, however I would like to mention that after inspection ‘rafflecoptor’ appears to be quite a cheap method of conducting giveaways as it’s biased towards those who have FB/twitter accounts, surely it would be better if a giveaway was based on individual merit instead? It could also be a way of encouraging site comments & discussion as well, It’s just a thought anyway, Thanks for your time!
Twitter and Facebook are free to use sites, nothing is stopping you from making an account there. The reason they want people to have/us them is to promote LevelSave.