
Minecraft Pocket Edition Getting A Big Update

Written by Chris Lock

Minecraft Pocket Edition is being rewritten to add more depth to it. What you can expect in the upcoming update are animals, new blocks, and doors. What you can not expect to see is all the work Mojang is doing on the back end to set the game up for a survival mode update. Mojang has stated that “We have read tons of comments and feedback and it seems like we made a huge mistake. You wanted monsters, resources, animals and more different blocks.” It is good to know that at least one company out there is listening to the fans and giving them the game they want.

The update is scheduled to be released to the Android Market and the iOS app store for approval on February the 8th.

Source- [Mojang.com]

About the author

Chris Lock

Just a guy that loves games and wants so badly to tell you about them. I have a habit of being a terrible person. Prone to talk about the worst games imaginable. Poke-fan. LBP admirer. RPG lover. Writer. Podcaster. Father. Husband. Student. Tired. @Snickelsox on twitter.

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