News PAX East 2015

Major Nelson Confirms: Screenshots Are Not Coming to Xbox 360

Written by Austin Griffith

With the Xbox One getting droves of new features through the consoles Preview Program, fans are of course left to wonder what to expect now that the Xbox 360 has been given the same program. After going so far as to completely reinvent itself to the world multiples times – from blades, to NXE, to the current “metro” style dashboard – Microsoft has truly evolved the Xbox 360 as well as anyone would of liked. Yet, there’s always more to be wanted, right?

At the PAX East Microsoft Store Meet and Greet today, Major Nelson confirmed to a fan that no, screenshots will not be coming to the Xbox 360. Major told the fan that they have truly wrung every bit out of the Xbox 360, and there is definitely no way screenshots will be coming.

Keep your eyes on LevelSave.com for all the PAX East news as it breaks.

About the author

Austin Griffith

Austin Griffith owns LevelSave.com

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