Thus begins the final throes of the Superbrothers’ saga. Enjoy the show and relax to the...
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP – Silent...
With the Golden Trigon firmly strapped to the Megatome, we feel more power than is probably right...
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP – The Silent...
If you tuned in last week to the introductory episode of S:S&SEP, this one will take you...
Raven Plays Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP – The...
I’ve recently played an atmospheric and wonderful little adventure game called Superbrothers:...
The Steamfeed: A challenger appears!
We’ve seen a lot of free to play offers come and go with varying success. EverQuest F2P has...
New Magicka DLC: Dungeons & Daemons
Wizards rejoice! Paradox Interactive, makers of War of the Roses and Hearts of Iron III, have...
The Steamfeed: Steam Software is Here!
As you may or may not know, Steam has been busy at work creating an infrastructure that will bring...
Video Indie Spotlight: Waves
Waves is a twin stick shooter in the vein of Geometry Wars. Squid In A Box has done a great job in...
The Steamfeed: Greenlight Works!
In this week’s Steamfeed, we find out what quality of games find their way to release via the...
Two Rubes Play: A Virus Named TOM – Episode 2
So yes, the Two Rubes were a little tipsy that day. We also can’t pass this level for...