
Aliens: Colonial Marines Dev Diary Video – Authentic Aliens

Aliens CM Multiplayer_Combat_Rev2_online
Written by Barry Villatoro

This may be the game I am most excited for, it doesn’t come out till next year, but damn. I’m excited. After getting my hands on it at PAX East, my skepticism was thoroughly removed and I await the final product with anticipation. Now after seeing this Dev Diary video, still excited.

Aliens: Colonial Marines releases on PC, PS3 and the Xbox 360 Feb 12th, 2013

About the author

Barry Villatoro

Twitter : @IamWeapon | Former citizen of Azeroth and Atreia | Favorite fighting game - DefJam: Fight for New York | Favorite RPG - FF6 | MMA | Sushi | ATV's |

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